Monday, June 27, 2005

Cannes 2005

2 grand prix winner in Cannes 2005 Cyber Lion

Come Clean
Nothing to say, very stronge in concept, simple and nice!!

Reality Advertising
Also concept is the golden rules, internet provide a 24x7 monitoring space for the benifit of the product!

Friday, June 24, 2005


Funny flash programe in Flickr, just type what you search and the programe will generate the related photo in Flickr and montage it!!!

Let's do something

so all survivor.....
let's do something and don't step into shit again la!!!!! hahaha XD

My dad

7/12 做肝手術,有兩個瘤,一個惡性,一個唔肯定,切開先知

ths for everyone for your support~

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


To all colleagues:

This is the best time.
This is the worst time.

We are all working in a very stressful and tight timeline, but trust yourself, trust your human potential inside, you can make it!!!

Let's do something!!
lieutentant kulokulo

Monday, June 20, 2005

I am back!!

My website finally come back!!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Just renew my domain and buy a host package,
brother and sister, my website will be reborn...

i'll be BACK!!!!

hey!heihei!!~ Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


hmm..實不相瞞,blog對我來說實在太大鼻了,我scan左希希宮女張相幾日,啱啱先曉post,而每次想post message,都係屎忽撞棍click到個composing個interface出嚟...在下爆lin要爆啦!~有冇人可以brief下我呢~唔該~

Monday, June 06, 2005

Your details

Hi all,

Please give me your contact method such as personal blog link, website, mobile number, address....etc to me if you want to put it here, or you simply login and edit the template is fine 2!!

Happy blogging!!!
lieutenant kulokulo

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

We need fire

We really need this!!


1 「大肚腩」早現,30歲至50歲的人有大肚腩是成熟的表現,也是高血壓、脂肪肝、高血壓、冠心病的警示。

2 脫髮,每次洗頭都有一大堆頭髮脫落。這是工作壓力大、精神緊張所致。

3 頻頻去洗手間,如果年齡在30歲至40歲之間,排洩次數超過正常人,反映消化系統和泌尿系統開始衰退。

4 性能力下降,中年人過早地出現腰酸背痛,性慾減退或男子陽痿、女子過早閉經,都是身體整體衰退的第一訊號。

5 記憶力減退,開始忘記熟人的名子。

6 心算能力愈來愈差。

7 做事經常後悔,易怒、煩躁、悲觀,難以控制自己的情緒。

8 注意力不集中,集中精力的能力愈來愈差。

9 睡覺時間愈來愈短,醒來也不覺疲倦消失。

10 經常頭痛、耳鳴、目眩,檢查也沒有結果。

Our Toby Yeung Tak Yin

"Get it louder大声展" 设计师系列人物访谈 - 杨德贤

Toby's interview by

baolenelene 報到~



Let's do something!!
kulokulo :)